Become a PFO Member!
What is a PFO Membership?
Our membership looks different than previous years. Being a member allows you to vote at PFO General Meetings, propose new business, run for a PFO Board position, and will get you BONUS BENEFITS throughout the school year. All yellow highlighted items on the PFO Calendar will have member perks.
Why become a PFO Member?
Membership money raised goes directly back into your student’s school. PFO is looking to minimize ongoing fundraisers throughout the year while continuing to provide funding for enrichment programs. *There are added perks to your child’s classroom as more classmates become members.
How to become a PFO Member?
When your child collects $100 for the August APEX Fun Run their family will automatically qualify as a PFO member and get all the NEW associated perks throughout this school year. APEX will be in August 2018 for ALL TRACKS.
What does PFO do for our school/students?
With your support in the 2018-2019 school year, we raised $73,000!
These funds provided our our school community with:
Updated licenses for the Accelerated Reader program
PE supplies
Tricycles for Kindergarten
Field trip scholarships
Classroom supplies & equipment
Teacher reimbursements for classroom supplies
Scholarships for the holidays
Executed a successful CommUNITY Carnival
Dancing through the Decades event
Year-round assemblies and other on-campus enrichment activities for our students
Student folders and planners, awards & achievement tags
Trees and T-shirts for the 10 Year Anniversary celebration
Secured funding for a choir program for the entire school for the 2018-2019 school year.
*All classrooms that raise $2,000 through our August APEX Fun Run will get a bonus for their class.*